Anyone who has been injured in the workplace or in a motor vehicle accident needs rehabilitation to facilitate a speedy yet safe return to Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) and then eventually the workplace. Exercise Based Conditioning Programs use exercise-based rehabilitation to improve the functional abilities of a client to return to pre-injury duties, ADL’s or achieve an upgrade in their existing duties. To ensure that all criteria of the Exercise Based Conditioning Programs are met, ProActive Rehabilitation & Health conducts the following assessments on all clients:
Initial Functional Assessment
ProActive Rehabilitation & Health’s Exercise Physiologist conduct the initial assessment. The client is lead through standardised functional tests to ascertain their capabilities of undertaking an Exercise Based Conditioning Program. At the completion of the assessment an AHRR is completed for the insurance company and a full report on the findings and recommendations are issued to all appropriate parties, including the clients General Practitioner (GP) and any other associated parties involved in the clients case.

What are the benefits of an Exercise Physiologist Assessment?
To determine the weaknesses and strengths of the client, and to establish their physical tolerances.
To gain an understanding of the functional capabilities of the client and how they relate to their ADL’s and work environment.
To provide a greater understanding of the requirements of the client’s occupation, home life, social life and activities that they engage in so that the Exercise Physiologist can develop an individualised program specific to all of their ADL’s and work needs.
To assess whether the client shows any red or yellow flags prior to the commencement of the program to aid in the implementation of a Biopsychosocial (BPS) model of treatment.
Exercise Based Conditioning Programs
The Exercise Based Conditioning Programs are conducted in either our Adamstown or East Maitland practices. This makes it accessible for all clients in the Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Lower Hunter, and Port Stephens.
Each program follows the same principles and includes the following:
- A full program consisting of 8 individually supervised Exercise Physiology sessions conducted over an 8 to 10 week period with a university qualified Exercise Physiologist.
- The development of a home-based exercise program that is specific to the goals and needs of the client. This ensures that they have the appropriate movement goals and exercise structure required to address the weaknesses, tolerance and load restrictions that are caused by the injury.
- A final program report to the GP that outlines the benefits of the program, the goals and increases in function that the client has received and comments on the client’s attendance and motivation levels.
- The program’s focus is on improving manual handling skills, core stability training, and strength and flexibility development. There is a strong focus on education for the client so that they understand their injury, and their capabilities. The Exercise Physiologists spend time during the sessions on developing pain management strategies and education on pain science using the most relevant and up to date research. This ensures that clients develop long term management skills needed for the ongoing management of their condition after the sessions have been completed.
- The program is specifically designed around educating the client on basic training principles and focusing on developing their independent exercises to aid in continual functional improvements for the client.
- The clients are encouraged to commence independent exercise as soon as possible in relation to their capabilities and level of improvement and understanding. Most clients are provided with home based movements and exercises to complete after the first session.

What are the Benefits of an Exercise Based Conditioning Program?
- Developing strength and stability increases functional capabilities therefore decreasing the chance of re-injury.
- Clients are educated on effective self-management and pacing techniques, effectively decreasing the time they have off their Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) and their workplace.
- Most chronic musculoskeletal injuries have muscle deterioration, tightness, and a reduction in core stability. ProActive Rehabilitation & Health’s Exercise Programs focus on developing the strength of weak muscles through resistance training, increased flexibility via stretching and mobility programs, and improved core stability through functionally specific exercises that address their reduction in stability.
Supervised Group Sessions
This program is available as a transition to self-management exercise strategies for clients that have completed an Exercise Based Conditioning Program.
The program can accommodate up to 6 individuals at a time, which allows the therapist to spend time with each client to review their progress, and make alterations to the programs. All clients will have completed their individualised sessions with the Exercise Physiologist and this program allows for safe progressions of their exercises while continuing to be supervised.
The Benefits
- Group sessions provide increased motivation as clients can motivate one another and share experiences related to their improvements.
- As clients are taught the benefits of their flexibility, stability and strength training, they can take the newly acquired knowledge into their ADL’s and workplace to ensure a safe return to function and an improved quality of life.
- The program is more cost effective for the insurer as more than one client can be assisted.
If you have any enquiries in relation to this program, please contact our administrative staff on 0249572757 or email us directly with your questions to